BC Housing


Suite 1701-4555 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5H 4V8

Office Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday (Excluding holidays)

Phone: 604-433-1711
General Information: 1-866-465-6873


About BC Housing

BC Housing develops, manages and administers a wide range of subsidized housing options across the province. We work with the ministry responsible for housing to address critical gaps across the housing continuum, which range from emergency shelter and rent assistance in the private market to affordable home ownership. We also license residential builders, administer owner builder authorizations and carry out research and education that benefits the residential construction industry and consumers. We work closely with housing providers, health authorities, and local governments, and help more than 110,000 households in 200 communities across British Columbia.

Making a positive difference in people’s lives and communities through safe, affordable and quality housing.

BC Housing serves as a trusted leader and partner in sustainable solutions for British Columbians.

Areas of Expertise & Knowledge for Peer Exchange


  • Partnerships and joint ventures

  • Financing

  • Mixed model developments


  • Asset Management Planning

  • Regeneration and Revitalization of housing asset


  • Mergers and amalgamations

  • Asset Transfer