WoodGreen Community Housing Inc.
Main Office:
815 Danforth Avenue
Suite 100
Toronto, Ontario
M4J 1L2
Office Hours: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Email: info@woodgreen.org
Telephone: 416-645-6000
About WoodGreen Community Housing Corporation
WoodGreen Housing is one of largest non-profit, community-based housing provider in Ontario. Its parent organization, WoodGreen Community Services, also ranks among the largest non-profit charitable organizations providing integrated social services in the Greater Toronto Area. A founding United Way of Toronto member agency, WoodGreen Community Services is a leader in providing innovative, holistic solutions to challenging social issues. WoodGreen’s programs which serve 37,000 people each year are often cited as best practice models in the Toronto and Province of Ontario.
WoodGreen Housing Helps WoodGreen Housing directly houses over 1,000 people living in close to 800 units across the 12 residential properties it owns and manages. Additionally, WoodGreen Housing operates a separate unit that serves over 4,000 people yearly with serious homelessness and housing including a range of housing help and support services to transition people from homelessness to affordable housing. WoodGreen housing is also involved in developing new affordable housing with a goal of building 3,000 units in the next 15 years.
Areas of Expertise & Knowledge for Peer Exchange
Develop/deliver new strategic plan
Recruiting key skills sets in staff and Board